Paving the way to better care

A public-private international research collaboration aiming to personalise prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.


What moves us

The challenge of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a highly prevalent disease that poses challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. In Europe alone, it affects over 85 million people – a number that is rising due to an aging population and unhealthy lifestyles. 

Despite medical advancements, treating CVD effectively remains challenging due to the complex interplay of risk factors and co-existing conditions in patients, such as diabetes and hypertension.  

While a “one size fits all” approach persists, the diverse nature of CVD calls for personalized treatment strategies that improve care for patients. That’s the ultimate goal of iCARE4CVD.

iCARE4CVD’s vision is to work towards a future where CVD is better understood, more effectively treated, and less devastating for individuals and communities.

Number of people affected by CVD

> 500 million worldwide

Number of people that die from CVD

~ 17 million worldwide

More about iCARE4CVD

iCARE4CVD approach

From one-size-fits-all to personalised care

By creating one database gathering data from more than 1 million patients and using artificial intelligence, iCARE4CVD will look for new strategies to shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to personalised care.

The project will focus on improving four key areas of current CVD healthcare by:

34 leading partners

from civil society, academia,
and industry

22 million EUR

in funding

4.5 years

of project duration

The project will achieve this by:

Collecting large amounts of patient cohorts…

covering patients of all CVD stages – from early risk to established heart failure

Generating a federated database…

to ensure private and confidential remote access to data on an individual level

Determining the value of biomarkers from different sources…

such as blood, imaging, digital wearables, to support early detection, monitoring, and treatment guidance for the entire spectrum of patients

Conducting in-depth qualitative research with patients and other stakeholders…

to build a motivational framework for self-care by patients and ensure their needs are incorporated into the outputs of the project

Developing artificial intelligence (AI)-based models to support diagnosis and predict risk and treatment responses…

to map the complete patient journey and response to interventions in CVD

Validating AI-based models prospectively towards precision medicine…

enabling the development of personalized care pathways

iCARE4CVD partners

iCARE4CVD brings together 33 leading international partners from civil society, academia and industry, and is lead by Maastricht University and global
healthcare company Novo Nordisk.

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